Ramayana Ballet Show

Based on a epic Hindu Story, the story of model king Rama was adapted to become an important local dance, encompassing the Javanese style, culture and music. While the story originated in India, the Javanese version is truly representative ofvthe local art and culture.

There are two locations in Yogyakarta where you can see the Ramayana Ballet Show.

Location 1. Prambanan Temple

Prambanan is a 9th-century Hindu Temple, located around 17 km northeast of the city of Yogyakarta. In the evenings, this ballet comes to life, enacted by over 200 professional dancers and musician on an open air stage that takes advantage of the Prambanan Temples as a backdrop.

Location 2. Purawisata
Ramayana performance in this place has hekdcthe record for every night stage without ever being off for 40 years, and received an award from the Indonesian Record Museum (MURI) in 2002. Guest may book the tickets for performance as well as buffet-style dinner. While enjoying dinner you will  eventertained by Javanese gamelan music and tradiotional Javanese dance. 

Dinner at Gazebo Purawisata starts at 7 PM-8 PM (60 minutes).

Daily Ramayana Performance starts 8 Pm - 09.30 PM (90 minutes).V

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